St. Clair Township Police Department
15442 Pugh Road, Suite 1
Calcutta, OH 43920
Fax: 330-386-0332
Administration Office Hours: 7:00am - 3:00pm
We at the St. Clair Township Police Department patrol our nearly thirty square miles and protect those living here and visiting with pride and professionalism.
Mission Statement
The St. Clair Township Police Department remains loyal, steadfast, and dedicated to serving our community and visitors. Our mission is to serve those who call St. Clair Township home and those who come to visit.
The St. Clair Township Police Department is under the leadership of Brian McKenzie. McKenzie started his career in 1990 with Liverpool Township Police. He was hired by St. Clair Township Police in 1991 and in 2003 was promoted to Detective Sergeant. On July 1, 2017 McKenzie has taken over the Chief position after the retirement of Don Hyatt.
The St. Clair Township Police Department is currently staffed with 14 sworn officers, a K-9 officer –Noras and one civilian employee, Herman Potts. Herman is the Police Department’s Administrative Assistant and brings over 10 years of dispatching, clerical and Deputy Clerk experience. The business office hours are 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Our department currently has a fleet of twelve (12) police vehicles, which ten (10) are marked and two (2) are unmarked. All marked vehicles are equipped with mobile data terminals. This technology allows instant access to all criminal data bases queried by officers. The department has implemented WatchGuard body cameras. The department has also updated the computerized records management system.
The nearly 5,000 square feet of the St. Clair Township Government Building houses the police department and provides a spacious squad room for the patrol officers. There is also a conference room equipped with educational and visual equipment. The operations wing houses our Crime Lab, BAC (Breath Analyser Content) room, two state of the art interview rooms and two holding cells. All ranking officers as well as detectives have their own private offices. A sally port has also been provided for use by the police department.
Brief Department History
The Township police force began in 1975 with four full-time officers and three part-time officers. The first chief was Ed Wayne who served until 1984. The police station was in the former Jim Pike’s Barber Shop located on State Route 170 where now sits the Calcutta Square East shopping plaza.
Police Accident-Incident Reports
Now available online are Police Accident-Incident Reports. If you have questions, please call Herman Potts between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at 330-386-3585 ext. 2